Mill, Attritor, Mdl Q-100, Union Process, S/st, Jkt, 100 HPMill, Attritor, Mdl Q-100, Union Process, S/st, Jkt, 100 HP #C741860


Mill, Attritor, Mdl Q-100, Union Process, S/st, Jkt, 100 HPMill, Attritor, Mdl Q-100, Union Process, S/st, Jkt, 100 HP #C741860

Location:San Dimas, CA


Attritor mill, manufactured by Union Process, Model number Q-100, with stainless steel, jacketed tank. Complete with main 100 HP/33.3 HP, 460V, 1750/570 RPM, 131/93 amps, 3/60 Hz, 2-speed drive, through Textron cone drive gear reducer with 10:1 ratio. Serial number 3209-A. Offered with grinding media. Previously used on ceramic slurry.


Stock NumberC741860